Purchasing a Business Document Scanner
Operating System – PC or Mac?
The scanner you purchase needs to be compatible with your company’s operating system – PC or Mac. Most scanners easily sync up with PC systems, while others may not sync easily with a Mac. Before purchasing a business document scanner, talk to an Ashley’s Business Solutions’ expert about the compatibility between your operating system and our scanners.
Optical Character Recognition – Is it a must?
Optical character recognition (OCR) converts scanned images of text into machine-encoded text. For example, you can place a hand-written document into the scanner and the OCR will recognize the handwritten characters and convert it into a digital data format. Is OCR capabilities a necessity for your company?
What You’re Scanning – Photos or Documents?
The business document scanner you purchase must be able to digitize your file types and produce a crisp image. However, you must choose a scanner that can handle the file types you will use – JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, SVG, or MP4. Without a high-quality business document scanner, your scanned document will not produce the best quality image.
The Number of Documents You’re Scanning – Many or few?
It’s important to choose a business document scanner than can handle the number of documents you need to digitize. You don’t want to buy a cheap model if you’re intending to scan thousands of documents. A high-quality scanner can last for many years, and it can digitize decades of documents!
Partner with Us for Your Business Document Scanner Needs
We are proud to offer the very best business document scanners to help your company operate efficiently and productively! Talk to one of our consultants today to learn more about our products: 800.677.4345
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